Congratulations to Brother Steve Morris on being awarded his Blue Card for proficiency in the Esoteric Work! Job well-done Brother. You are an inspiration to the other Brothers who are rapidly advancing in their proficiencies. Brother Morris has also answered electrical maintenance calls on very short notice and at no cost to the Lodge. Thanks again and keep up the good work.
Our thanks goes out to Worshipful Brother Carl Lewis for donating his time and the materials to make necessary repairs to the building, with the door downstairs and correcting the structural irregularities that improved the efficiency of our air conditioning system.
Junior Warden Pro-tem, Brother Dale Thomas has done some great work sitting in the East on the last two Entered Apprentice Degrees and has prepared some excellent meals afterward. Brother Dale has spent a lot of time on another project, for benefit of the Craft, and this is greatly appreciated. The Mite Box will be designated for the month of September to help fund Annual Thanksgiving Dinner that Brother Dale and his wife Ann, prepare and serve for shut-ins and others in need.
On the 19th of August at 6 p.m. several Brothers met, by open invitation to all the Craft, in the dining room for a workshop on fundraising. Brother Will Jarvis was the facilitator of this focus group and we had a productive discussion (livened up with some of his rapier wit) that developed a plan for a silent auction together with some other events that will be held later this year. Those Brothers who were not present were volunteered accordingly.We are still taking donations of yard sale items for our September yard sale and cookout. If you have items for the sale and can't move them just call me and we will make some arrangements.
Let us remember those people in our prayers, who go in harms way, in defense of our Liberties and those ideals we hold sacred.
Sep 1st DARK Sep 5th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM DISTRICT SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTION Sep 8th Stated Communication 7:30 PM Sep 12th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM Sep 15th Master Mason Degree Dinner 6:30 PM Degree 7:30 PM Sep 17th Suncoast Masters & Wardens Association Star Lodge Dinner 7 PM Meeting 8 PM Sep 19th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM DISTRICT SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTION Sep 22nd Stated Communication 7:30 PM D.D.G.M.'s OFFICIAL VISIT Sep 27th YARD SALE AND COOK OUT Sep 29th Fellow Craft Degree 7:30 PM
As the Holiday Season rapidly approaches, we once again prepare for that joyous time of year. Last year we were able to provide food baskets for eight families for Thanksgiving, and food baskets and gifts for eight families for Christmas. Additionally we provided toys and stuffed animals to the Police Department and an agency that works with abused children. We also provided a Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinner in the Lodge on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day for those Brothers and Sisters who were without immediate family in the area.
Once again we need your help to make these programs successful. How can you help? If within the Length of your Cable tow, bring in canned and dried staples. Donate Publix, Wynn Dixie, etc., food certificates. Bring in toys, stuffed animals, games, etc for the children's Christmas presents. The Mite Box has been designated for this project for September and October. Can't make it to Lodge? We will accept a check, money order or gift certificate designated for the Mite Box for this project. My Brothers help us once again bring a little joy to those who need our help.
Worshipful Brother Danny Robinson will be working with other Past Masters to organize, collect and distribute the packages for Thanksgiving and Christmas. He may be contacted at 727-577-4971.
I can't believe how fast the year is going by and how many new Brothers we have in the Lodge. It's great to see our Lodge and the Fraternity growing, and to see different Brethren occupying the various chairs. I'm glad they are showing interest in the degree work and aiming for perfection so the newly initiated Brothers get a degree they wont forget.
Congratulations again to Brother Dale for the wonderful job he did in the East as well as in the kitchen.
I hope R:. R:. Robert J. Liekefet (Brother "Stretch") will be able to pay a visit to our Lodge after he recuperates, to pass on some of his Masonic Education. It is a night to which I am looking forward, as are all the Brethren.
I would also like to thank Brother Art for the wonderful job he is doing, being secretary. It is a time consuming position and I have the highest praise for those who keep our Lodge running, like Brother Art.
It is great to see our Lodge growing at such a rapid pace. Due to my work schedule, I will be unable to serve the lodge as an officer for 2004. I will try to attend Communications whenever possible, however I am currently working approximately 70 hours a week for my current employer, which leaves little time for any other activities. I feel that for me to serve the Lodge effectively, I would need to have a schedule that would allow me the appropriate time to do so. I have learned quite a bit as I have progressed through the chairs over the years, and someday I will take up where I left off when within the length of my cable tow. Thank you again to the several brothers, that year to date have done a commendable job covering my chair in my absence.
Refusing to forgive is tantamount to re-crucifying Christ. Instead of seeing stones rolled away, we throw stones at each other. What so many people today fail to realize is that forgiveness is a door to peace and happiness.
Jesus offered his disciples the "keys of the kingdom." We hold the key of forgiveness in our hands. And we must choose whether or not to use it. Christ wants to use our hands, wounded as they may be, to extend his forgiveness to the world. Will they be closed, or outstretched like his?
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No Freemason can be buried with the formalities of the Fraternity, unless it be at his own request, and that of his next of kin, communicated to the Worshipful Master of the Lodge of which he died, foreigners or sojourners excepted; nor unless he be a Master Mason in good standing. There can be no exception to this restriction.
Many Masons who have passed away have not been given Masonic Funeral Honors because he failed to communicate this information to his family prior to his demise. Please let your family members know that when you pass away that you desire a Masonic Funeral.
Many Masons today have never been to a Masonic Funeral. This is sad because the service can be very comforting to the family members when they observe and take notice of the words that is spoken at the service.
I have on many occasions in the past have had family members tell me that they did not realize what Masonry really stood for until they heard this beautiful service.
Again, I am quoting from the Florida Masonic Monitor some material that denotes how beautiful this Funeral Service can be:
The solemn notes that betoken the dissolution of this earthly tabernacle have again alarmed our outer door, and another spirit has been summoned to the land where our fathers have gone before us.Again we are called to assemble among the habitations of the dead, to behold the "narrow house appointed for all living." Here, around us, in that peace which the world cannot give or take away, sleep the unnumbered dead. The gentle breeze fans their verdant covering, but they heed it not; the sunshine and the storm pass over them, and they are not disturbed; stones and lettered monuments symbolize the affection of surviving relatives and friends, yet no sound proceeds from them, save that silent but thrilling admonition, "Seek ye the narrow path and the strait gate that lead into eternal life."
From time immemorial it has been the custom of Freemasons to escort the mortal body of a Brother to its final resting place, where in fraternal sympathy the Masonic service of interment is given in his honor.
It is important to remember that Masonry believes in the immortality of the soul, again, quoting from the Masonic Monitor is the following:
"One subject upon which Masonry sounds no uncertain note is the doctrine of the immortality of the soul. We have implicit faith that we shall meet again and be reunited with those whom we have long loved and lost for a while."
Again from the Masonic Monitor is the following statement in the closing:
"So, in the bright morning of the world's resurrection, may thy mortal frame now laid in the dust by the chilling blast of death, spring again into the newness of life, and expand, in immortal beauty, in realms beyond the skies. Until then, farewell."
Brother Tom Vann, 33°
From an Article in the Temple Terrace Trestle Board
Dean C. Brooks | Helmut E. Klauss | Norman C. Morris |
Truman E. Bryant | Ronald C. Ledet | Daniel E. Mortimore |
Leo E. Gendron | Robert E. Lipe | Donald A. Nordine |
John P. Hudon | Robert Liska | Richard C. Pierce |
Dennis K. Jackson | Gilbert J. Marriner | Jack E. Trumble |
Wayne E. Kane | Harold E. Miller | Robert L. Winship |
Brother Robert Bechtel | Brother William Moldenhauer |
Brother Rex Bennett | Brother Robert Robertson |
Brother Elvin Miller |