The Craft offers its Congratulations to Brother Bill Pysnack on his perfect Master Mason Catechism.
The Craft would like to thank Brother Rex Bennett for his time donated making the plumbing connections to the new sink in the kitchen. Brother Bennett worked for two days including Labor Day to make these kitchen upgrades happen together with Brother Steve Morris correcting the electrical wiring in the exhaust fan. We also thank Brother Dale Thomas and his wife Ann for their tireless efforts in procurement and serving as project facilitators. Brothers Remko van der Voordt, Ken Lane and. Ed Reichert was on hand tackling some major grunge work that is greatly appreciated.
The holiday season is just around the corner and the Holiday Fund needs donations for the several projects. Worshipful Brother Danny H. Robinson will coordinate the delivery of goods and funds to the families in need for Christmas as he has done in years past and a Thanksgiving dinner will be prepared and served at the lodge. This is open to anyone, Mason or non-Mason alike, and is a good opportunity for Brothers to welcome those people who might otherwise get lost in themselves this time of year.
Brother Drew Whitehouse has been credited with the good turnout at the football games. Anyone, Mason or non-Mason alike, may work the ball games. Direct inquiries to Right Worshipful Brother J. David Neveitt and he will get you into to see a NFL ball game for free.
Let us remember, those people in our prayers, who go in harms way in defense of our Liberties and those ideals we hold sacred.
In Search of Further Light,
Jim Reedy
Worshipful Master
Calendar of Events October 2003
Oct 1st Eastern Star Meeting 7:30 PM.
Oct 3rd Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM DISTRICT SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTION
Oct 5th E.O.S and O.E.S. Dinner Noon - 2:00 PM. Country Style BBQ Ribs
Oct 6th E.A. Degree 7:30 PM
Oct 10th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Oct 13th Stated Communication 7:30 PM
Oct 15th Eastern Star Meeting 7:30 PM.
Oct 17th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM DISTRICT SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTION
Oct 18th FISH FRY Noon to 2 PM
Oct 20th Fellow Craft Degree 7:30 PM
Oct 24th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Oct 27th Stated Communication 7:30 PM
Oct 31st “Halloween Davis Field” Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
From the Secretary’s Desk
Shortly after receiving your Trestle Board, you will receive your dues notice for the year 2004. Please respond as quickly as possible and complete and return the information card with the complete zip code, including the last four digits. Also include a phone number so that we might be able to contact you. If you have an email address I will add you to our email listing.
There are still several Brothers who have not paid their 2003 dues. Please check your dues card and if you do not have a current dues card remit your 2003 dues. If there are any Brothers who need assistance with their 2003 dues, please contact me.
This month will have two dinners, the normal first Sunday of the month with the Eastern Star and a Fish Fry Saturday October 18th. With the increase in the annual return to Grand Lodge we need to supplement our income. Help us by supporting our fund raising projects.
Brother Art Markowitz
Our deepest condolences to Brother Steve Morris, and his family, on the loss of his father-in-law this past month.
Hopefully my schedule will allow me to start attending meetings on a more regular basis. I have heard about the great things that have been accomplished thus far this year. Our Master is once again going to be a tough act to follow. His countless hours of service, leadership and outstanding integrity has proven that he is defiantly a worthy brother. When the opportunity presents itself for me to re-enter the line, I plan to look to our current master, as a role model of what a Master Mason should be, as WM Reedy is defiantly an inspiration to us all.
On the Plumb,
Tyler Sheff
How to Kill Your Lodge
1. Don't come.
2. At every meeting ask yourself, "What do I get out of this?"
3. Let the Worshipful Master do all the work.
4. Tell your Worshipful Master’s failings to any Brothers that may happen in: They might be a long time finding them out.
5 If there happens to be a few zealous workers in the Lodge, make a tremendous protest against the Lodge's being run by a clique.
6. Never encourage the Worshipful Master.
7. Of course you can't be expected to get new members into the Lodge with such a Worshipful Master as he is.
8. Never accept office.
Terry D Farnsworth
MH 100 Fund
The Masonic Home
A Masonic Charity or A Masonic Obligation?
A Privilege and An Opportunity!
Each of us can remember kneeling at the Altar with our hands upon the Holy Writings. The words that were repeated regarding our Brothers who no longer are able to either physically or financially support themselves, are as valid today as they were than. Our Masonic Home is there for this specific purpose and we are here to continue to give “so far as we are able.”
Physicians and specialists of all kinds are there to assist our residents around the clock. More than 140 staff members attend to the needs of our Brothers and Sisters
Brethren, Our Home is the finest of its kind in the State of Florida and it has a reputation that is unequaled. If you haven’t had the opportunity to visit, than you are truly missing a treat. The Home provides one of the most comprehensive health care programs available.
All of this expert care takes funding! The MH-100 Program is designed to make a large contribution to this effort.
Recognition Awards
These Awards are cumulative and as the donations increase to the next level, the Award for that level will be given.
MH-100 Club |
$100 Donation
Bronze Pin and Certificate
MH-100 Ambassador Club |
$200 Donation
Red Enamel Pin and Certificate
MH-100 Gold Club |
$500 Donation
Gold Pin and Certificate
MH-100 Grand Master’s Club |
$1,000 Donation
Blue Enamel Pin and Certificate
The Top Lodge in each District in per capita donation, will receive a plaque at our Annual Grand Communication.
The Top Lodge in the State with the highest dollar amount in MH-100 Donations will receive a plaque at our Grand Communication.
Brothers, Our Masonic Home needs your support. Contact your Lodge Secretary for additional information and forms
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Brother Dale Thomas’ wife Ann spent her Saturday helping the work crew cleanup and reorganize the Lodge kitchen.
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Worshipful Master Jim Reedy presented a $200 check to Mrs. Pam Dodson of Morning Star School as part of our Adopt A Class program.
In Celebration of Life
Happy Birthday
James W. Adameit
Thomas L. Graham
Arlie Owens II
Kenneth O. Bennett
James B. Holton
Edward W. Reichert
Emory G. Brantley
Frederick Kalkbrenner
Clifford Rivers
Charles E. Frame
James M. Legge
Tyler B. Sheff
William B. Garrett Jr. PM
Peter E. Leousis
George W. Snoddy
Curtis L. Gheen
Milan T. Ninis
F. Edward Street PM DI
Gerald E. Szabo
BROTHER DANIEL GUNYAN our newest Fellow Craft Mason
BROTHER GRAHAM PARSONS our newest Master mason
BROTHER REMKO VAN DER VOORDT for receiving his Silver Proficiency Card
BROTHER WILLIAM PYSNACK for receiving his Master Mason Certificate and Apron
To the Brothers and Sisters of Elmer O. Smith Lodge No. 307 and O.E.S. Chapter 234
If you will be celebrating this holiday without family, you are cordially invited to join your MASONIC FAMILY at the Lodge for a great dinner and fine fellowship from Noon until ????
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND OR IF YOU KNOW OF ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND (TRANSPORTATION CAN BE PROVIDED) PLEASE CONTACT:Worshipful Brother Jim Reedy 521-9117 Brother Dale Thomas 399-2828 Brother Art Markowitz 541-1365