A special thanks goes out to Brother Ken Lane and Brother Steve Morris for their generous contributions that made the purchase of the furniture from the Masonic Home that R:. W:. Dave Neveitt was able to coordinate for us.
I have been impressed by the work
that the Brothers have made in putting on the Degrees. Your efforts
are attracting larger audiences.
We recently had a reading of Grand Lodge Legislation at an open
discussion group. Lively debate went on until late in the evening
and a good time was had by all. Your Officers will represent your
views at Grand Lodge.
Let us remember to keep the people in our prayers who place themselves in harms way for the defense of our Liberties and those ideals we hold sacred.
This thought by Milton Winham, P.G.M., Arkansas reflects my feelings; "Every crime against our laws, every sin against decency and morality, every sharp practice against square dealing in business, is a serious reflection on the Masonic Lodge, in the neighborhood in which it is committed. Masonry should not take the pure principles of morality and preserve them in the walled up seclusion of lodge halls, like as we preserve fruit and vegetables and keep them in dark cellars for our own use; but our lodges and our lives should be as lighthouses, blazing out the truths of right living, to bless the community, state and nation, in which we have our being."
Jun 1st ..........E.O.S and O.E.S. Dinner Noon - 2:00 PM.
Jun 2nd .........Visit Dunedin Lodge for MM Degree Depart Lodge 6:15
Jun 4th ..........Eastern Star Meeting 7:30 PM.
Jun 6th ..........Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM DI Available
Jun 9th ..........Stated Communication 7:30 PM
Jun 13th ........Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Jun 16th ........EA Degree 7:30 PM
Jun 18th ........Eastern Star Meeting 7:30 PM
Jun 20th ........Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM DI Available
Jun 23rd ........Stated Communication 7:30 PM
Jun 27th ........Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Jun 30th ........Potluck Dinner 6:30 PM
The Brothers of Elmer O. Smith would like to give special THANKS to our visitors from Mainlands, Dunedin Lodge, Gulf Beach Lodge and Northside Lodge for their filling the sidelines at our Master Mason Degree. We certainly enjoyed the fellowship prior to and after the Degree. The camaraderie exhibited exemplifies what the Fraternity is about!
Our Brothers would also like to give special THANKS to Worshipful Brother Don Harriott, of Gulf Beach Lodge, for performing his unique Bible presentation for our Master Masons. It was very inspirational and motivational for all present.
Congratulations to Elmer O. Smith's own Worshipful Brother F. Ed Street on his appointment as District Instructor for the Twenty-First Masonic District. Our Brother Ed is an asset to our Lodge and now our District will benefit from his talents and abilities.
Come and join us as we visit Dunedin Lodge on June 2nd for their Master Mason Degree. We will leave the Lodge's parking lot at 6:15 PM.
R:. W:. J. Paul Stellrecht's Official Visit was very successful. He commended our Lodge for our involvement in the community and encouraged us to keep up the good work.
Thanks to the Brothers who donated the money for the new furniture for the Lodge. Not only is it a visual improvement, but it has increased the seating capacity in the lounge area.
PLEASE NOTE: The fifth Monday has been scheduled for a potluck supper but may be rescheduled for a Fellow Craft Degree. Check your email or give me a call.
What a great time we had for the Raising of Brothers Bill Pysnack, Chuck Sekeres and Remko van der Voordt, the turnout was most excellent.
Congratulations to Brother Will Jarvis for a superb second half and to all those who took part. I can't say enough about how good we seem to get the more we practice. This puts Elmer O. Smith on the map of places to visit for great degree work. Your time and effort on Thursday and Friday nights sure paid off for our new Master Masons.
On a personal note I am looking forward to my visit to Grand Lodge and hope to get a lot of insight and direction for many future visits.
A big thank you to Worshipful Brother Jim Reedy for allowing me once again to sit in the East and I also look forward to more opportunities to do this for degree work.
Well all I have left is to congratulate our new Master Masons once again, Brother Will Jarvis for his work, and Worshipful Brother Ed Street for what seemed to be a flawless lecture, Worshipful Brother Lee Griffith for the Charge, Worshipful Brother Don Harriott for perfect Bible presentation and to all the Brethren on the side lines for making it a worthy cause.
I apologize for being absent for the last few meetings. I need to take some time to sort out some personal affairs that have come up recently.
I will make every effort to attend as many meetings as possible, however, I will not be in regular attendance for a few months. I will continue to serve the Lodge as Junior Warden and assist the Lodge within the length of my cable tow.
Our recent fundraisers have been a great success and I encourage any Brother to make suggestions for future events. A kitchen cleanup / reorganization day will be planned for later this year. This is needed to allow the kitchen to be more "user friendly" and provide for a clean safe atmosphere for it's users.
If any Brother has a suggestion on how we could reorganize the kitchen area to be more useful, do not hesitate to call me with your ideas. Brothers working together as a team is the cement that holds our fraternity together.
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We had an excellent presentation of the Master Mason Degree for Brothers Bill Pysnack, Chuck Sekeres and Remko van der Voordt. We had 58 Brothers about the Lodge, including 16 Brothers from Dunedin Lodge, 5 Brothers from Gulf Beach Lodge and 2 Brothers from Northside Lodge. Our Senior Steward (Brother Will Jarvis) prepared a superb Lasagna dinner with all the trimmings. Our Senior Deacon (Brother Dale Thomas) was kept busy with all our first time visitors (14). Brother Steve Morris was in the East for the first part of the Degree. Worshipful Brother Lee Griffith was SD and was assisted by Worshipful Brother Ed Street and R:. W:. Brother Tom Cox. Worshipful Brother Bill Garrett Jr. sat in the West for Brother Steve. All other officers were in their chairs. All did an excellent job during the Degree. For the Second Part Brother Will Jarvis was MEKS, Worshipful Brother Bill Garrett Sr was GSW, Brother Drew Whitehouse was GSD. Worshipful Brother Ed Street was on 1st, Brother Dale Thomas was on 2nd and a MM Degree at EOS wouldn't be the same without Worshipful Brother "Sam" Chancey on 3rd. Brother Bill Pysnack was Raised by Brother Jarvis, Brother Chuck Sekeres was Raised by Brother Sheff and Brother Remko van der Voordt was Raised by Brother Morris. Worshipful Brother Ed Street presented the Lecture and recited a poem on the meaning of Freemasonry. Worshipful Brother Lee Griffith presented the Charge. Both of our Gold Card Holders did their usually exceptional job. Worshipful Brother Don Harriott presented the Candidates and Brothers Will Jarvis and Drew Whitehouse with their Bibles. His presentation was awesome and inspiring. At the end of the Degree a visitor from Dunedin said he had told his Brothers EOS was noted for their work and they would see an excellent presentation and he certainly wasn't disappointed. Our young line ("Lions) is (are) doing an excellent job and the future of EOS is looking bright! |
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Flag Day - the anniversary of the Flag Resolution of 1777 - was officially established by the Proclamation of President Woodrow Wilson on May 30th, 1916. While Flag Day was celebrated in various communities for years after Wilson's proclamation, it was not until August 3rd, 1949, that President Truman signed an Act of Congress designating June 14th of each year as National Flag Day. |
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Congratulations to Brother Chuck and Amy Sekeres and Leah (3years) and Sara (15 months) on the addition of a new member, Samantha, to their family. Samantha was born March 27th. She weighed in at 7 pounds 13 ounces and measured 18 and ½ inches. Dad and daughters are doing fine. Mom is still recuperating.Amy will undergo surgery this month, please keep her and her family in your prayers. |
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Brother Will Jarvis and Joanne K. Lanese. They were wed in Honolulu, Hawaii on April 14, 2003. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis |