I would like to thank all of the Brothers and Sisters for the great turnout at the Open Installation of our Officers. Also attending were a large number of guests without a Freemasonry background who were impressed with the ceremony, and the warm reception from the Brethren. Little things go a long way for making a good impression that could ultimately bring more petitioners.
The Lodge will be accepting donated items for our upcoming Yard sale and Fish Fry on March 29, 2003. If you can not bring the items to the Lodge, contact one of the Officers to pick up the items. I encourage everyone to get the word out about the Fish Fry and the Child ID Program and volunteer to assist in any way you can.
We will continue to meet for practice every Friday and every Monday that we don't have Called or Stated Communications.
I would like to thank all of the Brothers, Petitioners and friends who have helped out at the football games that R. W. Dave Neveitt has been coordinating. Contact us about the sign up for next season or if you are able to work some of the additional events before Pre-season.
Feb 2nd | E.O.S and O.E.S. Roast Beef Dinner Noon - 2:00 PM. |
Feb. 3rd | E.A. Degree 7:30 PM |
Feb 5th | Eastern Star Meeting 7:30 PM. |
Feb 7th | Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM |
Feb 8th | Rainbow State Wide Initiation at Lodge |
Feb 10th | Stated Communication 7:30 PM |
Feb 13th | BRING HOT GAVEL TO NITRAM (meet at Lodge at 6:30 PM) |
Feb 14th | Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM |
Feb 17th | Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM |
Feb 19th | Eastern Star Meeting 7:30 PM. |
Feb 21st | Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM |
Feb 24th | Stated Communication 7:30 PM |
Feb 28th | Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM |
Congratulations to our new Officers, who have performed very well this first month. I believe it's indicative of the their performance for the remainder of their term and once again our Lodge will have a very successful year.
We were sorry to lose the services of Worshipful Brother Ray Rich for most of January. Brother Ray under went back surgery and is recuperating at home. He is doing fairly well but may have to undergo surgery again.
We were sorry to hear Brother Ed Everett had a second heart attack within a very short time of the first. Please keep him in your prayers.
Once again (after much fast talking by Worshipful Master Jim), Worshipful Brothers Ed Street, Bill Garrett Sr. and Bill Garrett Jr. have volunteered their service for the Fish Fry on March 29th. Mark this date on your calendar and enjoy their cooking!
The past yard sales have been very successful fundraisers for the Lodge. We need your support with items or donations and to help set up, man the sale and take down. It's a lot of fun, just ask Brother Ken Lane or Brother Ed Riechert, it's their most favorite thing! They haven't missed a one.
To those in the area, meet at the Lodge Thursday Feb 13th at 6:30 PM and come with us to present the "Hot Gavel" to Nitram Lodge or meet us there.
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The Dinner and Open Installation was very, very successful. Worshipful Brothers Carl Lewis and Jim Reedy, and Brothers Tyler Sheff, Steve Morris, Drew Whitehouse, and Will Jarvis worked very hard most of the day to ensure this success. Steve's young daughter, Jessica (7 years old) set up all the tables with plates, utensils, salt and pepper, etc. and did an excellent job.
Dinner consisted of roast beef and/or ham, bake potato, crisp steamed mixed vegetables, rolls and fresh fruit cocktail. Brother Steve made his special gravy. The food was superbly prepared and every one thoroughly enjoyed the extremely tasty meal. Our compliments to the Chef, Tyler Sheff! The Dinner was served buffet style with Brothers Jim Reedy and Drew Whitehouse serving the meats and Brother Terry Fransworth serving the fruit cocktail. If anyone left hungry, it was there own fault as plenty of food was prepared! In fact I was still nibbling after the Installation.
There were over eighty Brothers, Sisters, family members and friends present for the dinner.
After dinner we went upstairs for the Open Installation. R:. W:. Brother Richard Daniel was the Installing Officer; R:.W:. Brother Ron Newton was the Installing Chaplain and W:.B:. William Garret Sr. was the Installing Marshall. W:.B:. H. Lee Griffith presented the Charge to W:.M:. Jim Reedy. WM Jim Reedy's wife Amy presented him with his gavel with a very "special inscription".
Family members and friend were introduced along with visiting Brothers. Thanks to Pinellas Daylight Lodge, the Grotto and Gulf Beach Lodge for their support.
Minnie Lee Chancey thanked the Out going Master, Carl Lewis for his dedicated service as the Master and as a member of Elmer O. Smith. All present gave our Junior Past Master Carl a very warm round of applause for all of his efforts.
Junior Past Master Carl Lewis thanked his Officers and the Craft for their support during his year
After the Installation,
we had dessert and enjoyed the fellowship of our fraternity. Special
thanks to all those who jumped in and helped clean up the Lodge
afterwards. Thanks Patty Westberry, for the edible table decorations.
Top Left to Right: WB Ray Rich Treasurer; B. Art Markowitz Secretary; B. Terry Farnsworth Chaplain; WB Danny Robinson Marshal; B. Dale Thomas Senior Deacon
Bottom Left to Right: B. Richard Jightower Junior Deacon; B. Will Jarvis Senior Steward; B. Drew Whitehouse Junior Steward; WB Bob Haynes Organist; B. Ed Reichert Tyler
A great time was had by all at the Christmas Day Dinner held at the Lodge. Attendance was nearly forty plus including Brothers Bob Liska and Dan Davenport and Sisters Marjorie Lockwood, Martha Keubler and her friend Estella Blevins.
What a menu! Turkey and ham was served with scalloped potatoes, bake ziti, green bean casserole and baked broccoli delight. Of course deviled eggs, relish trays, cheese platters and a tossed salad was also included.
The dessert buffet had all
the holiday favorites - apple, mincemeat and pumpkin pies; delicious
cakes including fruit cake, vanilla sprinkle and a to die for
chocolate dump cake; - not to mention all the homemade assorted
cookies, fudge and rice krispy treats; - together with a fantastic
pumpkin dip served with graham cracker teddy bears. (Let's not
forget Brother Frank Westberry's southern style "ol"
family recipe sweet potato supreme.)
The Lodge was decorated with a festive holiday flair, including
Sister Patricia Westberry's Cookie Christmas Tree and Gingerbread
House. A second Gingerbread House was made by our soon to be Rainbow,
Sara McDonald. After Dinner, Santa's Elf came and delivered gifts
to all the children and guests.
A special thanks to Worshipful Brother Ken Yoder for his assistance and to all the guests, especially the Brothers and Sisters, that made this Christmas Day Dinner a very special one.
(FOOTNOTE: The Worshipful Master and Officers would like to express our sincere appreciation to Brother Frank and Sister Pat for their "Outstanding" effort in sponsoring and preparing this fine dinner and program.)
Kenneth G. Arsenault Jr. | Dan Davenport |
· At our Stated Communication on January 13th, Brother Raymond C. Ford was escorted to the East and Worshipful Master Jim Reedy presented him with his 25-year pin and certificate.
· At our Stated Communication on January 13th, Brother
Frank Westberry was escorted West of the Altar and Worshipful
Master Jim Reedy presented him with a Certificate of Appreciation
for his sponsoring and preparing the First Annual Lodge Christmas
Brothers, I trust that you have "survived" the New Year and have settled into 2003 comfortably. I wanted to let you know that our Grand Master will be visiting Star Lodge on Monday, February 24th, 2003 for the presentation of service awards. I understand that there will be several hundred years of awards presented to many worthy Brothers. I hope that you find time in your schedules to attend to support our Grand Master and these honored Masons. As always, thanks for your support this year, to me, our Grand Master and our Fraternity. |