The Brothers and their families had a good time at the Bar-B-Que with attendance in excess of 70. The Most Learned F. Ed Street did a fine job with the cooking, as did several other Brothers with additional preparations and cleanup. It was nice to see the families of our new Brothers. All had a good time and we were successful in raising additional operating funds.
Brothers Dale Thomas and Will Jarvis volunteered their time at the Masonic Home this week with our District Deputy R:. W:. Bro. Rick Hoover and R:. W:. Bro. J. David Neveitt to assist the maintenance crews with clearing out all of the salvageable hospital hardware, plumbing, drapes, TV-VCRs and the like, from the 1st and 2nd floors of the construction sectors. There is a considerable amount of asbestos removal required in the building before any renovations or upgrades can happen. By whatever means, the costs of these projects, ultimately, will be paid for by the Craft. Remember the Masonic Home and the Masonic Home Endowment Fund that keeps the home running and our need to contribute to it in order to have continuing care for the future.
New and newly reactivated Brothers have been doing fine Degree work and it is a pleasure to see the turnout at these Degrees and the reactions of the spectators. It's good to keep rotating everyone and allowing Brothers to flourish in their roles and at their own pace. Any Brother can sit at any station, to which they have exhibited pro-ficiency, for a Degree and it is encouraged but not required.
Football Season is just around the corner and that means we get to work the Bucs games as an additional fundraiser. It is important for all able-bodied persons to assist whenever they can as ushers at Raymond James Stadium. The funds earned from these games go a long way to offset operating costs of the Lodge. Just remember - the Lodge gets paid for you to go watch an NFL Football Game. This is open to members and non-members.
The Lodge will have another yard sale on Saturday, 27 September 2003 starting at 8 AM till ? with a cookout. Start bringing in your donations of fine objects d'art or other sellable "junque".
There is customarily a meeting after the meeting, which runs to about midnight where a good deal of discussion is made for creative outlet in the area of fundraising. There have been some changes recently at Grand Lodge that give us some more latitude in this area. Some of the discussion has covered the areas where we have been re-stricted to act and the subsequent conditions we now labor under. At no time should a Brother view the observ-ations, noted in these discussions, as prophecies of doom or finger pointing at the imagined shortcomings of a few Past Masters. Those views are counter-productive and serve the shameless delusions of self-seekers and the bitter. Our Fraternity is laboring within a culture that is experiencing rapid changes and the Brothers in our Lodge look to the challenges we face with enthusiasm and a desire to act on the best interests of the Fraternity for the long term. Our Lodge and the Craft will undergo some changes in the near future and it should be done with the selfless intent to keep it alive and flourishing in the future.
Let us remember those people in our prayers, who go in harms way in defense of our Liberties and those Ideals we hold sacred.
Aug 1st Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM DISTRICT SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTION
Aug 3rd COOK OUT Noon to 2 PM
Aug 4th EA Degree 7:30 PM
Aug 8th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Aug 11th Stated Communication 7:30 PM "Special Program"
Aug 15th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM DISTRICT SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTION
Aug 18th EA Degree 7:30 PM
Aug 22nd Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Aug 25th Stated Communication 7:30 PM
Aug 29th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Congratulations to Brother Graham Parsons, as he gave back his EA Proficiency July 14th and was Passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft July 21st.
The Grand Master's Official Visit to our District was very enjoyable. R:. W:. J. David Neveitt presented M:. W:. John R. Givens with an Honorary Membership to our Lodge. He also presented the Grand Master with a check of $100 for the Grand Master's Charity and a check for $100 for the First Lady's project. The Grand Master's Charity is the Masonic Home and the First Lady's project is to buy a pontoon boat for the Masonic Home residents to use for fishing trips.
My Brothers, I am excited about our growth this year. In May we Raised 3 Master Masons. In June we Initiated 3 Entered Apprentices and accepted 2 Dual Members. We are processing 5 petitions for the Three Degrees of Freemasonry, and 1 petition for dual membership. We also have 3 dual memberships pending as we await their Certificates of Good Standing. Let's encourage our new Brothers to bring in their "qualified" (remembering their EA Charge) family members and friends.
Soon we will have two sons Raising their fathers to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Brother Drew White-house will Raise his Father Tom and Brother Scot Moldenhauer will Raise his Father Bill.
With the Eastern Star dark, and many Brothers on vacation we need your support for the August Cook Out. If you're in the area please try and make it. We also need your support for the EA Degrees this month.
We have a very busy schedule ahead of us with four new candidates to receive the Three Degrees of Freemasonry, also four Entered Apprentices are preparing to give back their proficiency and become Fellow Crafts. We have been having a good turnout for our practice sessions and hope it will continue. It is also good to see some of the newer brothers working hard on their proficiency cards with Most Learned Brother Ed Street. Brother Ed also did a great job with our recent bar-b-cue. The food and fellow ship was excellent. It was great to see Brothers and their ladies from the Grotto and Brothers and Sisters of the Eastern Star.
Please keep our troops in you hearts and prayers as they protect our freedom and we all hope the come home safely.
Another month has passed, and we have again added more new members to our ranks. This is the key to the survival of our fraternity. Thanks again to the Brothers that have covered for me in my absence, you are all greatly appreciated. I would like to commend the officers for performing top-notch degree work this year, it is always a pleasure to see a flawless degree. I would also like to recognize WM Reedy for all of his tireless efforts managing the affairs of the lodge, he is a true leader that younger brothers like myself aspire to someday emulate. We have a super lodge, filled with active dedicated Brothers who are getting the job done! Have a great month!
Generosity - God gave us life and the ability to enjoy everything. One day we asked God to answer our prayers. God replied: I have provided you with everything.
Gratitude - A loser in the human race will blame others for their bad luck and misfortunes. Hate and jealousy will be their constant companion. The winner of the human race will embrace adversity with a smile and continue to enjoy each experience this wonderful world presents. Each precious moment is a gift from God.
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Worshipful Brother F. "Ed" Street was born in Kirksville, Missouri, the "Show me" state. Lucky for us, Ed believes in that motto and for the past several years has been "showing" us the proper Masonic Ritual. WB Ed grew up in Purdin, MO where his Dad was a farmer and auctioneer. He graduated from Linn County R-1 High School in 1971. He attended and graduated from Platte Business College, located in St. Joseph, MO in 1973. |
In 1978 WB Ed and his family moved to Burlington, Kansas to start work in the construction business. Due to a lack of work in the area, they moved to Zavalla, Texas, which is about 30 miles south of Lufkin. Eventually they missed the kids and in 1990 moved to St. Petersburg to be closer to their children and grand children. He started working road construction for Ajax Paving and still works for the same company. Karen currently works as a beautician at Menorah Manor in St. Petersburg.
While working a job on 54th Avenue in St. Petersburg, he met Worshipful Brother Ron Schenck and became a member of our Lodge. WB Ed attended a "One Day Class". After the class, WB Ron became his Coach and Mentor and encouraged him to become active in our Lodge and earn his various Proficiency Cards. WB Ed also credits Worshipful Brother "Sam" Chancey as playing a major role in his obtaining the Gold Card.
WB Ed has been a very active Mason since he was "Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason". In addition to serving in the Lodge's line he has also been giving the Lectures for the various Degrees in our Lodge and other Lodges in the 20th and 21st Masonic Districts for several years. He has also been a Mentor, Coach and Lodge Instructor for the past several years. He is also well known for his "Fish Fries" and "Barb-B-Ques" as fundraisers for our Lodge.
WB Ed Street's talents and abilities were recognized by the M:. W:. Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Florida at the Grand Communication in May, 2003 when his was Installed as District Instructor for the 21st Masonic District.
In addition to Masonry, Brother Ed has another passion, stock car racing. He owns and drives a Pure Stock (1975 Chevrolet Monte Carlo) at Desoto Speedway. Rumor has it, there's a young driver pushing "Grand Pa" for his position as driver. Brother Ed also enjoys restoring old trucks and cars. He is currently restoring a 1976 pickup.
March 26, 1994...............One Day Class Candidate
March 26, 1994...............Initiated E. A. Degree
March 26, 1994...............Passed F. C. Degree
March 26, 1994...............Raised M. M. Degree
January 1, 1997...............Senior Deacon
October 22, 1997............Orange Proficiency Card - EA
October 22, 1997............Silver Proficiency Card
October 22, 1997............White Proficiency Card
January 1, 1998..............Senior Warden
January 1, 1999..............Worshipful Master
May 31, 1999..................Past Master Degree
May 31, 2000..................MAS Renewal District Chairman
November 20, 2000........Gold Proficiency Card
May 28, 2003..................District Instructor
Most Worshipful John R. Givens' theme is "Today's Basics Provides Tomorrow's Light". Worshipful Brother Ed Street has been providing our Lodge with the "Basics" and providing us "Light" for many years and we hope he will continue to do so. WB Ed from the "Show Me" state, continue to show us!
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Worshipful Brother Ed Street did an excel-lent job preparing the "Country Style" Ribs at our BBQ in July. Not only was it a profitable fundraiser, it was also a very enjoyable day of fun and fellow-ship. Visit the web site for additional pictures. |
BROTHER GILBERT J. MARRINER - Twenty Five Year Pin and Certificate
BROTHER CLEVE R. BROWN - Twenty Five Year Pin and Certificate
BROTHER ALTON R. TURNER - Fifty Year Pin and CertificateWORSHIPFUL BROTHER RICHARD W. KIMBERLEY - New Dual Member (St. Luke's Lodge No. 48, CN)
BROTHER SCOT V. MOLDENHAUER - New Dual Member (Garfield Lodge No. 559, PA)WORSHIPFUL BROTHER H. LEE GRIFFITH - Brown Proficiency Card
BROTHER STEPHEN P. MORRIS - Silver, White and Green Proficiency Cards
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Right Worshipful C. Edward Gonzalez, Senior Grand Warden of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of F. & A.M. of Florida passed away unexpectedly the morning of, April 11,2003, at the young age of 50. He was at home from a prior heart attack that occurred during a skiing trip with his family and feeling really good when he suddenly went into cardiac arrest. R:. W:. J. David Neveitt PDDGM and W:. F. Ed Street DI placed the plaque on the Lodge's Memorial/Honor Wall after the July 14, 2003 Stated Communication. |