I would like to thank all of the Brothers for their time and hard work at the general clean up and at Country in the Park. While at Country in the Park, we met a lot of great people and they were impressed with the dedication to public service that our fraternity has. We have enlisted enthusiastic support for the Child-ID program from the local police and fire departments as well as some local professional athletes. You are all doing a great job. Let's keep getting the word out.
Let us remember to keep in our prayers the Military personnel and civilian authorities that place themselves in harms way in defense of our Liberties and those ideals that we hold sacred.
FACT: As each bird flaps its wings,
it creates an "uplift" for the bird following. By flying
in a "V" formation, the whole flock adds 71% greater
flying range than if each bird flew alone.
LESSON: People who share a common
direction and sense of community can get where they are going
quicker and easier because they are traveling on the thrust of
one another.
FACT: Whenever a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels
the drag and resistance of trying to fly alone. It quickly gets
back into formation to take advantage of the "lifting power"
of the bird immediately in front.
LESSON: If we have as much sense
as a goose, we will stay in formation with those who are headed
where we want to go.
FACT: When the lead goose gets tired, it rotates back into the
formation and another goose flies at the point position.
LESSON: It pays to take turns doing
the hard tasks and sharing leadership -people, as with geese,
are interdependent with each other.
FACT: The geese in formation honk from behind to encourage those
up front to keep up their speed.
LESSON: We need to make sure our
"honking" from behind is encouraging, not something
less helpful.
FACT: When a goose gets sick or wounded or shot down, two geese
drop out of formation to follow him [her] down to help and protect
him [her]. They stay with him [her] until [s]he is either able
to fly again or dies. Then they launch out on their own with another
formation or catch up with their flock.
LESSON: If we have as much sense
as the geese, we will stand by each other.
Apr 2nd Eastern Star Meeting 7:30 PM.
Apr 3rd Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Apr 6th E.O.S and O.E.S. Dinner Noon - 2:00 PM.
Apr 7th ..........Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Apr 10th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Apr 12th Child ID Program 9 AM to 2:30 PM
Apr 14th Stated Communication 7:30 PM
Apr 16th Eastern Star Meeting 7:30 PM.
Apr 17th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Apr 17th Beta Sigma Phi Dye Easter Eggs
Apr 21st Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Apr 24th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Apr 28th Stated Communication 7:30 PM DDGM OFFICIAL VISIT
Two of our three Saturday events were successful, the workday and "Country in the Park", with the third to be determined.
Our booth represented the various families of Masonry associated with our Lodge, Masons, Rainbow and Eastern Star. Our Lodge Brothers in the Grotto also wore their paraphernalia. Information about our organizations was given out and several out of state Brothers said they would visit the Lodge. Our Worshipful Master represented the Lodge and Masonry in the antique fire truck pull (actually Carl, Lee and I really wanted to, but we deferred to the Master :-)> ).
Please note, our Rainbow Assembly is active again meeting on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays. All Brothers are invited to attend.
Please put Brother Bob Liska on your Prayer list, for as he is in the Bay Pines Cardiac Unit. Please keep Brother Paul Pluchino in your Prayers, as he is still in the Bay Pines Nursing Home.
Please check your dues cards, as we
have about 30 Brothers who have not paid their 2003 dues. After
paying the Grand Lodge Annual Return, Insurance and Corporate
fees, we need to build up the general fund.
I want to thank all those Brothers who show up for practice, it shows when we have a degree that practice is essential. We put on what I thought was a great degree and it's always a pleasure to work with Worshipful Lee Griffith in the East, I hope I can be half as good as he is, and as Ed Street is for his lecture, (some day Ed I will have time to learn it from you).
We have new Brothers with zeal for the cause of Freemasonry and the willingness to help those less fortunate and it's great to see that in our Lodge.
Keep in you thoughts and prayers the military personnel overseas they have given up so much in search for a safer America.
And let's give our new candidates and Brothers going through the different degrees a ceremony they will never forget.
Spring is upon us and I look forward to a productive summer in Lodge. Our attendance has been a little lacking lately; please do you best to attend whenever you are able.
Our new library is taking shape, thanks to all the Brothers that have made donations to us thus far. We aspire to have a full, useful library very soon, so I encourage you to donate movies and books of both Masonic and Non-Masonic subject matter.
We have made a change or two in the kitchen, a meal will be served on degree nights as always, but on business meeting nights we will have only coffee and desert. This is necessary for two reasons; 1) lack of attendance makes it impractical to properly plan any sort of meal; and 2) Lack of donations in the collection plate has cost the Lodge hundreds of dollars in food costs. I feel this change is necessary, so the kitchen no longer acts as a financial burden on the Lodge.
We have several costly improvements and repairs that will need attention in coming years, so NOW is the time to get proactive and begin to think of ways to raise money to cover the expense of these items. I have several ideas that will correct this problem that will be addressed at future business meetings.
Remember Brothers, it is up to ALL OF US to see that Elmer O Smith has a long life ahead of it, so NOW IS THE TIME TO GET BUSY! Look forward to seeing you all at Lodge in coming months, and PLEASE attend the business meetings in addition to the degrees, so we can get started saving our Lodge. We need your ideas and input....your opinion MATTERS.
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Worshipful Master Jim Reedy presented Brother "Jack" Crawford his 50-year pin and certificate at his home in Crystal River.After the presentation we had coffee and cake and a very enjoyable visit. L to R : Worshipful Brother Lee Griffith, Worshipful Master Jim Reedy, Brother Jack Crawford, his wife Ruth and Worshipful Brother Ray Rich. |
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Worshipful Master Jim Reedy presented Worshipful Brother Jim Justice his 40-year pin and certificate. Worshipful Brother Justice was Master of Elmer O. Smith in 1966. |
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Brother Will Jarvis gave back his Master Mason Proficiency in an exemplary manner. Worshipful Brother "Sam" Chancey presented Brother Will with his Lamb Skin Apron. Worshipful Master Jim Reedy presented Brother Jarvis with his Master Mason Certificate. |
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Brother Dan Gunyan is our newest Entered Apprentice Mason. Worshipful Master Jim Reedy presented him with a copy of the Entered Apprentice Charge. |
We need your support on Saturday April 12th, from 9 AM until 2:30 PM, for the ID program. We need video cameras, monitors and operators. We also need Brothers and Sisters to help with the registration and to help with the refreshments. We have some pleasant surprises for the kids. Lunch will be provided for all the volunteers.
Quite a bit was accomplished at the workday. The main storage room was completely renovated. The old shelving system, which wasted a lot of space was removed. A new system was installed, allowing for a lot more shelving space and floor space to store bulky items.
Shelving units were also installed for the new library. Brother Tyler Sheff will organize and catalog the books and tapes and it will open shortly for checking out materials.
Our Junior Warden was to busy working to prepare lunch, so pizzas were ordered and after a short lunch break, work resumed. Thanks to all who participated. The shelving units were cost free as the Worshipful Master "scrounged" all of the materials needed.
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WB Carl Lewis repairs the wall in the secretary's office. | Shelving units installed for new library |
James L. Marshall PM |
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WB Carl Lewis, Bro. Tyler Sheff and WB Lee Griffith | WM Jim Reedy represents E.O.S in the antique fire truck pull |