As we come to the end of the year, some of you will be called upon to serve the Lodge in the New Year by holding Chairs or working with committees. Please take this month to evaluate the positions that will be coming available and the time that you have to dedicate to the service of the Lodge. We have important tasks ahead of us this month including the Child I.D. Program as well as assisting needy families in the community for the holidays. I hope we can join together to make both of these programs a big success.
We have also planned in the month of December to assist the Firefighters of Pinellas Park to ensure that less fortunate children and families have a nice holiday. Those who are able to volunteer their time, resources and funds can accomplish all this. Please talk to Brother Art or me about how you can assist with these projects.
It is my prayer that all of you and your families have a blessed Thanksgiving
Nov 1st Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Nov 3rd E.O.S and O.E.S. Dinner Noon - 2:00 PM. "Fried Turkey"
Nov 4th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Nov 6th Eastern Star Meeting 7:30 PM.
Nov 8th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Nov 9th Child ID Program 10 AM until 2:230 PM
Nov 11th Stated Communication 7:30 PM
Nov 15th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Nov 18th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Nov 20th Eastern Star Meeting 7:30 PM.
Nov 22nd Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Nov 25th Stated Communication 7:30 PM
Nov 29th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Congratulations to Brothers William (Will) Jarvis and Andrew (Drew)
Whitehouse, who were Passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft. Thanks
to our Brothers and the Brothers from Daylight and Gulf Beach
Lodges who attended their Degree. A special Thanks to Brothers
Frank Westberry and Tom Ray for preparing a fine Lasagna Dinner
for the fellowship afterwards.
At the Board of Directors Meeting for the Selama Grotto, Worshipful Brother Danny Robinson talked about the PM Food Project. They collect $115 and presented it to Worshipful Brother Danny for PM Food Fund. Thank you very much Board of Directors of Selama Grotto.
Our Holiday projects still need your support.. If you would like to make a cash donation please mail a check to the Lodge and annotate for food fund. We are also collecting NEW toys for needy children. Please bring in a new toy or make a donation to the toy fund.
I'm glad to report Brother Ed Reichert is doing well after his surgery and is looking forward to coming back to Lodge as soon as possible.
Knowledge is cognizance
of facts. Wisdom is the strength of mind to apply its knowledge.
A Mason may know every word of our ritual from beginning of the
EA degree to the final words of the Sublime Degree of Master Mason
and still have no wisdom, Masonic or otherwise. Many a great leader
of the craft has been a stumbling, halting ritualist, yet possessed
in abundance a Masonic wisdom which made him a power for good
among the brethren.
by Carl Claudy
Worshipful Brother Rick Hoover, District Instructor of the 21st Masonic District presented Worshipful Brother H. Lee Griffith his Gold Proficiency Card at our Stated Communication. Our Lodge is indebted to Worshipful Brother Lee for all his efforts in presenting the lectures and charges at our various Degrees this year.
The Brothers of Elmer O. Smith would like to express their appreciation to Worshipful Brother Ray N. Rich for all the efforts he has expended in mentoring our candidates for the various Degrees this past year. He has devoted a great deal of time and has done an excellent job with each of the candidates. We would also like to thank him for all the time he has devoted in preparing the various Degree Teams on Fridays and Mondays.
The Brothers of Elmer O. Smith would like to express their appreciation to Worshipful Brother F. Ed Street for all of his assistance with preparing for the Degrees and his superb presentation of the various lectures of the Degrees during the past year.
The Craft voted to place a plaque in Memory of Worshipful Brother Ralph Higgins on the Honor / Memorial Wall. A Black Rose was placed on his picture in a ceremony at our first Stated Communication in October.
Each of us can remember kneeling at the Altar with our hands upon the Holy Writings. The words that were repeated regarding our Brothers who no longer are able to either physically or financially support themselves, are as valid today as they were than. Our Masonic Home is there for this specific purpose and we are here to continue to give "so far as we are able."
Physicians and specialists of all kinds are there to assist our residents around the clock. More than 140 staff members attend to the needs of our Brothers and Sisters
Brethren, Our Home is the finest of its kind in the State of Florida and it has a reputation that is unequaled. If you haven't had the opportunity to visit, than you are truly missing a treat. The Home provides one of the most comprehensive health care programs available.
All of this expert care takes funding! The MH-100 Program is designed to make a large contribution to this effort.
Recognition Awards
These Awards are cumulative and as the donations increase to the next level, the Award for that level will be given.
MH - 100 Club | $100 Donation | Bronze Pin and Certificate |
MH - 100 Ambassador | $200 Donation | Red Enamel Pin and Certificate |
MH - 100 Gold Club | $500 Donation | Gold Pin and Certificate |
MH - 100 Grand Master's Club | $1,000 Donation | Blue Enamel Pin and Certificate |
The Top Lodge in each District in per capita donation, will receive a plaque at our Annual Grand Communication.
The Top Lodge in the State with the highest dollar amount in MH-100 Donations will receive a plaque at our Grand Communication.
Brothers, Our Masonic Home needs your support. Contact your Lodge Secretary for additional information and forms
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Today, I will contemplate my presence here on earth and that my Creator has a purpose for my existence which may or may not always be clear to me, but will live by his Commandments in order that I might not spot or stain the character which has become me.
Today, I will strive to be a good citizen in the eyes of my neighbor, my community, the state and my country. I will revere my country's banner, honor its Constitution and laws, be grateful for the freedoms I enjoy and bear in mind what the right to those freedoms has cost in lives throughout the ages.
Today, I will remind myself that I am a Master Mason and that I have knelt at the altar and have taken an obligation upon myself and in the presence of those, my brethren, with my hands, my heart and my mind focused upon the Holy Bible, Square and Compass and to live and act in accordance with their moral and symbolic teachings.
Today, I will extend my hand to a worthy brother in distress, and to all persons knowing them to be one of God's children who is in need or suffering, and will require of them only the reassurance that they would act and perform the same should they find another in like situation as they themselves are and requiring no more or less of them.
Today, I will be more tolerant and cordial of those around me, and will abstain from being judgmental of those who are less fortunate than myself, but will encourage them to stand erect, to count their blessings and to make the best of the life for which God has so graciously given them.
Today, I will speak only positively about my fellow man and will cast away all criticism, animosity and jealousy that may offend, humiliate or otherwise degrade another's name, their heritage or their religion, keeping in mind that we are all made in the image of the Grand Architect of the Universe and through him we are all related.
Today, I will do whatever is required of me to perpetuate the existence of Freemasonry by being mindful of those who have not found it in themselves to seek more "light" about our gentle Craft, its beginnings, its tenets, and its teachings. To offer up information to those who demonstrate a genuine interest and, who in my mind, are worthy to receive that "light".
Today, I will spend quality time with my family and provide for their happiness and welfare so that together we may support one another physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Today, I will pray to my God according to the dictates and customs of my chosen religion.
Initiated June 29, 1981
Passed August 17, 1981
Raised September 21, 1981
Initiated March 5, 1990
Passed June 4, 1990
Raised July 16, 1990
Initiated October 15, 1962
Passed December 3, 1962
Raised February 4, 1963