This will be my last article for the Trestle Board as your Worshipful Master and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for a great year.
Through your efforts, our Lodge has taken on new challenges within the community and become even more visible. Through your efforts, we have increased our membership in the Lodge. Through your efforts, we have extended the hand of charity to those in need. We have given our best and received the best in return.
This past year has been, for me, one I will never forget. I am honored and humbled to have served as your Worshipful Master. I thank you all for your support and your confidence. There is an exciting year ahead with our new Worshipful Master and Officers that will be full of fresh and new ideas that will allow our Lodge to continue to grow.
Happy Holidays to all of you and your families.
Dec 1st E.O.S and O.E.S. Dinner Noon - 2:00 PM. "Roast Beef"
Dec 2nd Master Mason Degree 7:30 PM
Dec 4th Eastern Star Meeting 7:30 PM.
Dec 6th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Dec 9th Stated Communication 7:30 PM "Election of Officers 2003"
Dec 13th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Dec 14th Christmas Parade 6 PM
Dec 16th E.A. Degree 7:30 PM
Dec 18th Eastern Star Meeting 7:30 PM.
Dec 20th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Dec 23rd Stated Communication 7:30 PM
Dec 27th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Dec 28th Open Installation of Officers Refreshments 5 PM Installation 6 PM
Dec 30th DARK
As we prepare to Install new Officers, I would like to express
my heart-felt appreciation to our departing Worshipful Master,
Carl Lewis. Both as a Brother in previous years and Worshipful
Master this year, my Brother Carl has lived the ideals of Freemasonry.
His devotion to our Lodge and the Brothers and Sisters of our
Masonic Community and humanity, has been an inspiration to myself
and others, encouraging each of us to work harder at becoming
better Masons.
This year our Lodge has continued its work in the community, strove and achieved a measure of financial stability, enjoyed good fellowship and completed several Lodge repair projects. Worshipful Brother Carl, as you complete this year, know that you have been a good and faithful steward. Thanks from the Brothers of your Lodge.
I would also like to express my appreciation to the other Officers and Brothers who have worked so hard to make this a successful year.
My Brothers, as we go into the New Year, make a resolution to support your Lodge personally and financially as the length of your Cable Tow permits.
After a recent Stated Communication, I was approached by a usually respected brother, who proceeded to lash out against two others calling them unprintable names. Speaking this way during an investigation would surely turn a good candidate away from the Lodge and candidates going through the degrees would doubtless never return to finish if like comments were overheard by them. My hope and prayer is to dispel these negative thoughts and words, which act like a cancer, eating away at our membership.
Hopefully the words heard so often in the Lodge room will help - Subdue every discordant passion within us and may we love one another in the bonds of union and friendship! So mote it be.
We have collected quite a bit canned food, $500 in cash and $200 in Publix gift certificates. After finding out the Pinellas Park Fire Department had all they needed, Worshipful Brother Danny Robinson contacted the Pinellas Park Community Service and received the names of three families who need assistance. He also had Brothers nominate two other families.
Thanks to the generosity of our Brothers five families will have a pleasant Thanksgiving.
If you know of a Brother or widow of a Brother who is shut in, or without family in the area, please notify the Secretary. A group of Brothers would like to visit with these members of our Masonic Family during the holiday season. Please contact the Secretary By December 15th.
The Worshipful Master has designated the "Mite Box" at the December 9th Stated Communication to raise money to help purchase a hearing aid for a young child. If you will not be at the meeting but would like to contribute send a check by December 15th. Make payable to Elmer O. Smith Lodge No. 307 and annotate in memo field (hearing aid).
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The program sponsored by our Lodge on November 9th was successful. We videotaped, prepared Child ID kits and finger printed 35 children. The ID kits and finger prints were supplied and completed by the two officers of the Pinellas Park Police Department and four Explores from the Police Explorer Post. They also set up a display and provided additional child safety information.
We set up the video cameras and monitors in the Lodge Room. WB Carl Lewis provided cloth back drops with a height scale. Brothers Drew Whitehouse and Terry Farnsworth weighed and measured the children and prepared the title boards. Brothers Frank Westberry, Tom Ray, Lee Griffith and Art Markowitz videotaped the kids. RW Brother Dave Neveitt assisted wherever he was needed.
The Lodge provided punch and cookies for the kids and coffee and donuts for the adults. WB Carl provided lunch for those who participated. In addition to providing a needed service to the community, this was an excellent means of providing positive exposure about Freemasonry to our community. All of the parents thanked the Lodge and the police representatives for providing this program. I am still getting calls as to when we will do it again. All of us who participated, left with a feeling of satisfaction.
· Brother Duane A. Lewis of Hendersonville, NC who received his 25-year Certificate and pin by mail.
· Brother Harold E. Miller of Knoxville, TN, who received his 25-year Certificate and pin by mail.