August 2002

From the East


Elmer O. Smith Lodge will be dark the second and fourth Friday of each month to allow our Brothers, wives and family members a chance to meet at the Selama Grotto on these Fridays for fellowship and practice. I attended the first meeting tonight. The food and fellowship was great. Fourteen Brothers from different Lodges had an outstanding EA Degree practice. We hope that more Brothers and their families will participate in the future. Come out and join us. There is a Pot Luck Dinner at 6:30 PM and practice at 7:30 PM.

At the first Stated Communication in July, the Brethren voted to commence three new programs . They are the Holiday Relief Program, the Canned Goods Drive for the holiday season and the Child ID Program. Brother Tom Ray will be our Chairman for the Holiday Relief Program. Worshipful Brother Danny Robinson and the Past masters for the Canned Goods Drive. Brother Art Markowitz will be our Chairman of the Child ID Program. You do not need to be a member of a Lodge to participate in any of these programs. Your family members and friends can also be involved to help make these programs a huge success this year. Contact Brother Ray, Brother Danny and Brother Art if you want to participate

It's hard to believe that we're coming to the close of my year as Master. This is a good time for us to get behind those that hope to progress in the Chairs next year.

On August 12th we will have a Official Visit from the District Deputy Grand Master of the 21st Masonic District. Please mark your calendars for his visit. We want to have a good showing.


In Search of Further Light,
Carl W. Lewis
Worshipful Master


Aug 2nd Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Aug 4th Roast Beef Dinner Noon to 2 PM
Aug 5th EA Degree 7:30 PM

Aug 9th Lodge Dark Grotto Pot Luck 6:30 PM Practice 7:30 PM
Aug 12th Stated Communication 7:30 PM DDGM Official Visit
Aug 16th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Aug 19th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM
Aug 23rd Lodge Dark Grotto Pot Luck 6:30 PM Practice 7:30 PM
Aug 26th
Stated Communication 7:30 PM
Aug 30th Practice (Catechism Instruction Available) 7:30 PM

From the Secretary's Desk


While I enjoyed my trip to Colorado, it's good to be back home. I did get to see family and friends I haven't seen in several years. I also got to see my Home Lodge in Burkburnett, Texas. I still haven't had the pleasure of sitting in that Lodge in 25 years.

Thanks to the Brothers who helped with the Yard Sale and Fish Fry. We made $498.10 on the Yard Sale and $167.58 on the Fish Fry for a total of $665.58 (clear profit). We also had inquiries from 4 men about petitioning our Lodge.

The Craft passed a motion to change from two to one Stated Communications per month except December, which will remain at two. The proposed by-law change will be brought to ballot September 23, 2002.

Our Lodge will participate in the Child ID program. Plans are being formulated and more specific information will be included in the future Trestle Boards.

Please start bringing non-perishable foods to the Lodge on Mondays and Fridays. We hope to have enough to support several families during the holiday season. If you would like to make a cash donation, send it to me (made out to EOS) and annotate "Food Drive" in the memo field.

R.W. Brother Dave Neveitt is looking for volunteers to work the Buccaneer's home football games as ushers. This is an excellent opportunity for the Lodge to raise money. Please contact him if interested. (727-345-5268)

The mural on the West Wall has been completed! It looks very nice.

Brother Art Markowitz

The Chaplains Corner

Dear Lord of us all,
First we give you thanks for all we are and for all we have but too often take for granted.
Second we ask you for divine help and the courage to follow your teachings as given to us in "The Great Light".
Finally we vow to keep you in our thoughts, words, and deeds as we go about our daily lives and not only call upon you in times of trouble. Amen.

Terry D. Farnsworth, Chaplain

A point of view

Brethren, we have seen many changes in Our Homeland during these last few months almost day to day. Is America the beautiful land and people we once had? There are many problems but let's review a couple like the Pledge of Alliance, using "God's" name, we do in our work is this harming anyone? Our Founding Fathers used "God" and the "working tools" to form this Great Nation. Now our values, principles, laws and mankind are putting or using them into such as lawsuits, harming children to whatever comes to mind. Masonry has been a strong and vital part in our history. Let us keep our morals, freedoms part of our time-honored institution alive and well by treating all mankind with respect and love one another as God's children. I remain,

Fraternally yours,
William .Garrett, Jr. P.M.

Proposed BY-LAW Change
(Change from two to one Stated Communication except in December)

5.01 Stated Communications - The Stated Communications of this Lodge shall be held at its hall on the forth Monday in each month, except December in which the Stated Communications will be held on the second and forth Mondays at 7:30 o'clock P.M., provided that such Stated Communication may be suspended during the months of July, August, and September of each year by special action of the Lodge, and provided further that the place of meeting for any single or particular Stated Communication may be changed by special action of the Lodge when the occasion shall require it, provided that such change of meeting place is approved in writing by the District Deputy Grand Master of the Masonic District in which this Lodge is situated and that written notice of such change of meeting place is given to the membership of the Lodge, and provided further, that no business shall be transacted at such communication held in such different place except that specifically mentioned in the notice to the membership. (1973 Proc. 352) THIS WILL BE BROUGHT TO BALLOT SEPTEMBER 23, 2002

Worshipful Brother Henry "Lee" Griffith

Worshipful Brother "Lee" is another of our "Outstanding" Brothers who exemplifies the virtues of Freemasonry.

Lee was born in a coal camp in Pemberton, West Virginia and moved to a small farm in Cool Ridge, W. Va. He lived there until he went into the Navy in 1948, except for a year when he worked for a construction company in West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio.

Lee served in the Navy from April 1948 until February 1969 as a mechanic and retired as a Master Chief Engineman. He earned an AA Degree at Gulf Coast Community College while on active duty. After retirement from the Navy, he taught for a year or two at a Technical School and Community College in Portland, Oregon.

In June, 1971 he moved to Pinellas Park and went to work for the VA Regional Office in St. Petersburg until May of 1989 when he retired from Federal Service.

His wife Ellen was born in Mollala, Oregon and grew up and attended school in Portland. They met on a blind date in Portland in December 1950 and were married on September 7, 1951 at Stevenson, Washington after she graduated from high school. Ellen worked as a telephone operator while Lee was overseas. After that she accompanied Lee to his various duty stations including tours in Hawaii and the Philippines. They have five children and six grandchildren.

Both Lee and Ellen are very active in our Lodge and the Selama Grotto. Lee joined Selama Grotto in 1975 and served in various offices including Marshal for twenty years. In 2001 he was elected Chief Justice and is currently serving as Monarch. Ellen has been active in the Grotto since Lee joined and was one of the original volunteers when the Grotto's Cerebral Palsy (CP) Program was started in 1984. Lee became active in the CP Program after he retired in 1989. Both Lee and Ellen have been "vital" participants in this program and their participation has ensured a very successful program.


Masonic Record

Initiated April 10, 1956

Passed .........May 15, 1956

Raised .........June 9, 1956

Lincoln Lodge #34, Olongapo, Zambales Republic of the Philippines

Affiliated with Elmer O. Smith Lodge No. 307 December 3, 1990

Offices Held

Senior Steward ...........Jan 1993
Junior Deacon
...........Jan 1998
Senior Deacon
...........Jan 1999
Worshipful Master
...........Jan 2000
.....................Jan 2001
Senior Steward
...........Jan 2001

Other Accomplishments

40 Year Service Award ..............Jun 1996
Past Masters Degree .
.............May 2000
Orange Proficiency Card (EA)
....Jan 2002
Orange Proficiency Card (FC)
....Jan 2002
Blue Proficiency Card
..............Jan 2002
Perpetual Membership
..............Feb 2002


Worshipful Brother Lee has been a steadfast contributor to our Lodge since he has become a member. His opinions are consistently sought and respected. His knowledge of the Masonic Digest is exceptional. The Brothers of your Lodge "Salute" you Worshipful Brother Lee and extend their thanks and appreciation for all of your efforts.

Brother William R. McCandless

Worshipful Brothers "Sam" Chancey, Ray Rich and Tom Lewis presented Brother McCandless with his 55-Year Pin and Certificate at his home. Brother McCandless is a Charter Member of our Lodge

Brother Clyde S. Remington

Brother Remington was a Charter and Life member of our Lodge. Brother Robert Root presented the Lodge with a Memorial Perpetual membership for Brother Remington.

In Memoriam

 Lavere "Lou" C. Ryan

Initiated August 29, 1960

Passed November 21, 1960

Raised January 16, 1961

Gold Card November 28, 1962

25-Year Pin January 1, 1986

40-Year Pin January 16, 2001

Passed to the Grand Lodge On High July 4, 2002

Our Sympathy and Condolences are extended to Brother Ken Plunkett on the loss of his wife, Lavone.

Happy Birthday

 Eugen R. Bailey

Joseph De La Torres

William R. McCandless

 William B. Barlow

Charles P. Harrison

Stephen P. Morris

 Clifford L. Bragg

James B. Lewis Jr.

James W. Starling

 William E. Wagner

Official Visit D.D.G.M. of the 21st Masonic District August 12, 2002 7:30 PM
